Sunday 10 February 2013

Fabulous February!

This month ......

Math- We are focusing on Geometry.  Students need to know the different names of figures (trapezoid, parallelogram, etc), they need to understand that an angle can be a right angle, less than or greater than a right angle, and the number of faces, edges and vertices they may have.  Check some of the math links for activities!

Language- This month we will read and write a variety of poems, work on journal responses, and writing proper responses to questions about readings.  We will continue to work on reading comprehension strategies.

Science- We are working on and will complete our unit on forces (magnetism, gravity, natural forces, electrostatic).
Students are encouraged to look up more information on the internet, with the help of a parent.

Please remind your child to read daily and sign the reading folder.

Mrs. Brennan's Class---The Math Question and Answer book should be completed every week, it is due every Friday, unless there is a P.A. day (then it would be due on Monday).

Your children are amazing! We have so much fun learning!

--Mrs. Brennan & Mrs. Strasser

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