Tuesday 19 February 2013

We need paper towel rolls!

The grade 3's are encouraged to bring any empty gift wrap rolls or empty paper towel rolls to school for our toy science projects!  Reuse, Reduce!  Thank you for the help!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Geometry Test

Dear Parents,

3B will have a Geometry test on Friday, February 15th. Please see the review page coming home.  Students are encouraged to answer the questions at home to prepare for the test.  See the math game links here too! 

Thank you for all your help!
Mrs. Brennan

Sunday 10 February 2013

Fabulous February!

This month ......

Math- We are focusing on Geometry.  Students need to know the different names of figures (trapezoid, parallelogram, etc), they need to understand that an angle can be a right angle, less than or greater than a right angle, and the number of faces, edges and vertices they may have.  Check some of the math links for activities!

Language- This month we will read and write a variety of poems, work on journal responses, and writing proper responses to questions about readings.  We will continue to work on reading comprehension strategies.

Science- We are working on and will complete our unit on forces (magnetism, gravity, natural forces, electrostatic).
Students are encouraged to look up more information on the internet, with the help of a parent.

Please remind your child to read daily and sign the reading folder.

Mrs. Brennan's Class---The Math Question and Answer book should be completed every week, it is due every Friday, unless there is a P.A. day (then it would be due on Monday).

Your children are amazing! We have so much fun learning!

--Mrs. Brennan & Mrs. Strasser